Guilded4J: Custom Bots Made Easy

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Are you looking for a reliable and easy-to-use solution for creating Guilded bots in Java? Look no further than Guilded4J!

As the oldest and most robust Java library in the field, Guilded4J was created during the internal testing phase of the Guilded bot API and has been refined over time to uphold the KISS principle - keeping things simple and stupid, without unnecessary bloat or difficult-to-understand features.

Whether you're a seasoned Java developer or just starting out, Guilded4J makes it easy to get started with creating your own bots. And with our official server, you can directly connect with the creator of the library and get support from our community. Plus, our GitHub repository link gives you access to all the latest updates and improvements.

So why wait? Join the Guilded4J community today and start creating your own bots in no time!

Guilded server:

GitHub repository:

A simple Ping-Pong bot using Guilded4J A simple Ping-Pong bot using Guilded4J

MGBridge - a bridging service for Minecraft and Guilded server