Minecraft 2022年愚人节更新简报

- 发布于 文章 来自
由于是第一时间得知更新内容,本文撰写的比较仓促,敬请谅解! 原文链接:https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/mojang-studios-release-new-astonishing-update 本期愚人节更新主题:《拯救Minecraft——一次一个方块!》 更新日志: 移除了物品栏 让整个世界成为了玩家的物品栏 多达14个万亿的物品栏格数 删除了经验和附魔 修复了代号MC-4使地面上没有物品(?) Dropper drops. Droppier [...] 阅读全文

How to manually install Widevine (DRM) plugin on Firefox

- 发布于 教程 来自
I don't know how and why you found this page but in my case, my firefox has trouble auto-installing the plugin. To be precise, it's experiencing strange network problems while downloading (connection to a Google domain like 'r1---sn-bvn0o-fo1l.gvt1.com' always times out when I use a VPN). So, I have to do it manually. At first I searched the internet and found someone experiencing the same problem. I took a look at the guy's solution [...] 阅读全文