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一般来说,C语言程序的开发流程包括以下几个阶段: [...] 阅读全文

关于使用 C++ 实现的 Conway’s Game of Life 模拟程序的项目报告

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引言 本项目报告旨在介绍使用C++语言实现Conway's Game of [...] 阅读全文

Guilded4J: Custom Bots Made Easy

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Are you looking for a reliable and easy-to-use solution for creating Guilded bots in Java? Look no further than Guilded4J! As the oldest and most robust Java library in the field, Guilded4J was created during the internal testing phase of the Guilded bot API and has been refined over time to uphold the KISS principle - keeping things simple and stupid, without unnecessary bloat or difficult-to-understand features. Whether you're a seasoned Java developer or just starting out, Guilded4J makes it [...] 阅读全文

Minecraft 2022年愚人节更新简报

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由于是第一时间得知更新内容,本文撰写的比较仓促,敬请谅解! 原文链接:https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/mojang-studios-release-new-astonishing-update 本期愚人节更新主题:《拯救Minecraft——一次一个方块!》 更新日志: 移除了物品栏 让整个世界成为了玩家的物品栏 多达14个万亿的物品栏格数 删除了经验和附魔 修复了代号MC-4使地面上没有物品(?) Dropper drops. Droppier [...] 阅读全文